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Not Your Average Paper; When Synthetics Reign Supreme

Synthetic paper is already an incredibly niche offering. High level, it offers more durability than standard cellulose-based paper, allowing for harsher environmental factors and general ‘wear and tear’.

What makes a product different from that of its competitors?

Synthetic paper is already an incredibly niche offering. High level, it offers more durability than standard cellulose-based paper, allowing for harsher environmental factors and general ‘wear and tear’. The manufacturing costs reflect this, so don’t expect to see printers using synthetics for magazine pages or throwaway envelopes any time soon! (Instead, the next time you’re holding a menu, map, wristband or tag, see if you can feel the difference and, more importantly, the benefits of a synthetic alternative to paper.) And yet, even amongst synthetic competition, Arjobex’s Polyart offers truly unique features.

Its chemistry much unchanged since the 1960s, standard Polyart (for offset and UV Inkjet applications) has a special clay coating similar to standard coated paper, which contributes to ease of printing, and allows for fast drying times – 3-4 times faster than some of the top competition! Further, the manufacturing process results in no grain direction, allowing for optimal layouts, reduced waste, and superior folding often without the need to score pre-fold. It’s also a Class 2 Recyclable, meaning this film can, where facilities exist recycle back into itself or something similar, whereas much of the synthetic competition can’t make this sustainability claim.

With evolving printing technologies, Arjobex has been fast to expand Polyart into digital offerings. Polyart HP Indigo and a low static Polyart Laser are very different and print engine-specific versions with the former being exclusively for the HP Indigo platform and the latter for production toner. Both offer the same water and tear resistance and excellent print reproduction of standard Polyart and are used for many similar applications, such as menus, guides, posters, tags and labels.

More recently, Polyart has expanded its product portfolio with coated paper options, like Fluolux fluorescent paper line and Fiberskin, an innovative 100% biodegradable coated paper that’s resistant to weather and humidity, making it an ideal substrate for plant tags, outdoor signage and other seasonal applications.
